It sometimes feels like everything that I do now has to be over the top. The really horrible side to this is that I am often slow to make progress. A lot of my good ideas never get launched (because I'm waiting for them to be great) and my relationship with God often seems performance based rather than based on HIS grace. My confession for today is that I want to be healed from my Perfection Infection. I want to be more satisfied with God than I want to be perfect. I want to remember that HE doesn't love me because of how much I do for Him. I want to rest in His presence knowing that He loves me as much on my worst day as He does on my best day. I want to be satisfied with Him alone. I want to live a life that truly says I believe that "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him."
Yes ma'am. You've got it...keep snuggled up in His lap, it's the perfect place!! I so relate to your infection...it kept me immobilized for a long time, too.
Thanks for twittering the link!
This confession has helped me realize my own infection. Thanks for sharing you insight. =)
Thank you once again, for keepin it real! =)
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